Karen C. Comstock was entrusted to be a Chino police officer and retired after 30 years of service as the chief of police in July of 2019. Karen maintained community respect by always operating in cooperation with the community and being truthful, inclusive, and transparent. She is connected to Chino, having been raised and educated in the Chino Valley Unified School District and participated in many school and community sports programs. Like you, Chino remains home to Karen and her family. Karen would be honored to be your next District 4 City Council Member. Here are some of the campaign issues that she would like to share with you.
Key issues to be addressed

public safety and accountability
As the retired chief of police for the City of Chino, Karen demonstrated exceptional courage and leadership. She understands that public safety is a fundamental cornerstone toward creating a community in which people can establish strong businesses, enjoy their homes, feel confident in sending their children to school, attend places of worship, and enjoy open spaces and parks. Under Karen’s leadership, the department continued to collaborate with community members to further establish and maintain strong relationships intended to develop public trust and mutual respect. Karen understands that in order to deliver effective, responsible and professional policing, the Chino Police Department must collaborate with the community and other City departments, to include a multitude of partners at the local level such as the Chino Valley Fire District, Chino Valley Unified School District, San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health, and the Chino Valley Medical Center. Karen supports the existing practices and is open to new ideas to improve service models for the community to address issues such as homelessness, mental illness, and addiction with the objective of connecting the right resources to people in order to deliver the best care and long term problem resolution.

fiscal responsibility
Having spent her entire career working for the city, Karen has seen Chino endure periods of economic prosperity and, conversely, economic challenges. The City of Chino has an excellent reputation of being long governed using fiscally conservative and responsible practices. Karen witnessed this philosophy throughout her career from members of city staff and the City Council. Chino is a financially sound community that has demonstrated its ability to endure the various patterns of the local and national economy. She believes in the importance of being prudent, accountable, and responsible for the oversight of the taxpayers’ money to ensure future financial success and sustainability.

infrastructure and development
Chino has realized its 110th year as an incorporated city. As the city has matured, much has changed to the ongoing requirements for the multitude of services that keep our city functional and enjoyable such as water, sewers, streets, parks, refuse, traffic signals, and street lighting. Karen will work to ensure the city continues to improve our vital infrastructure systems so they remain adequately funded and maintained. While much of Chino is developed, there remains a considerable amount of development activity that will progressively occur over the next several years to include housing, transportation, businesses, parks and others yet to be determined, such as those within the city’s sphere of influence. Karen believes that each proposal for community development must be reviewed and considered on its own individual merits for compatibility contained within current city policies and ordinances. She also believes that infrastructure should be constructed to support the proposed development. Karen intends to use the City’s General Plan as the guiding document when considering future developments while giving appropriate consideration to all development projects that are vetted by members of the Planning Commission along with public hearings and input from the community.

vision for the future
Chino is an inclusive, vibrant, well-governed and safe community that is a desirable place to purchase a home, raise a family, work, play, attend school, worship, and enjoy all the great amenities that the city offers. Karen was raised with her family in Chino and has watched it develop into a larger city while maintaining its connected hometown appeal. Karen wants to be a part of maintaining the success of Chino for its current and future generations of residents and business owners by listening to their concerns and collaborating with them on solutions and plans to lead Chino into the future. She will work with the community, the members of the City Council, and city staff to develop an attainable vision and strategic plan to ensure Chino continues to evolve, grow and develop into a community that everyone can be proud of and enjoy for many years to come.